Saturday, August 14, 2010

There's a hole in the bucket and my confidence is leaking

Ever have the experience of going confidently in your home to where you KNOW something is, then get there and find it isn't?

Just now, I am looking for my bucket. Having circled the house twice, I conclude that someone has gotten in and taken it. Instantly I scroll through the obvious suspects - the landlady wants to freak me out so I'll leave, a neighbor wants me to freak out so I'll leave, a random stranger is fucking with my head for whatever bizarre ends... it works, too - this kind of thing generates unease and a wave of creepiness.
Does this happen to everybody? It ALWAYS happens to me: someone has been in my house! It's not my safe stronghold!

Why should this be?
Is my feeling of security so fragile that it can be shaken by the misplacing of a bucket?
I have the feeling that when I have a new job again, I'll feel better.

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