Friday, December 5, 2008

My God, Ive done it - I have a blog!

A Blog. With a capital B.

Since I have started so many new things in the past 5 months, and since I am still up in the air about most of them, and since one thing that has always helped me find my feet is to write about "it": I have a Blog. I might be the only one who ever reads it, but thats fine.

As can be deduced from the title, I am about to turn 40. I have made recent changes to my career - I now have 3 jobs. But that Im actually ok with that at the moment, so its not an issue, except to say that I am enjoying working with little kids so much I should be paying them.

I also have a new fitness regime. (Ha! Ive been doing it for a week!).

For the longest time, I saw what I wanted to see when I looked in the mirror. Recently, I made myself look at myself full frontal, not missing a thing.

And I was shocked to see this short, almost dumpy, angry looking.... who is that there? Is that what my face looks like? Plumpness on my forehead had given me heavy brows, and that was the last straw. Not even the huffing and puffing I had been doing while going up stairs affected me as much as that cross expression.

So I am trying to stop eating bread, which is hard cause I love it, and I am trying to do fitness things every day, which is actually easy thanks to

Dancing and music are two very important things to me, and I really like the routines on the site, and also the music is great! So I might be able to lose weight and get fitter without feeling like I am "working" at all - one big obstacle in the past was that working out was boring, and this is just fun. Maybe I just needed to do something I liked in order to actually want to do it - which is something that, as I get nearer to 40 (51 days and counting), is the way I want to run things around here anyway! LOL

More to come, it will be interesting, I promise. ;)


Anonymous said...


rachel said...

congrats lonnie!! welcome to the wonderful world of writing your thoughts for all the world to see/read! sometimes i think i should wait a day or two and re-read before i post some stuff ;) anywaaayyyyy, great post and GREAT attitude ... i love the way you think!!! ;)